Registered as a company specializing
in materials, parts, and equipment.
Received Advanced Technology Award, Korean Ceramic Society,
Spring, 2023.
Secured a new factory site and confirmed its construction (6,611㎡).
Aired "Innovative Growth Korea" interview on Korea Economic TV.
Received the Top Prize Award, Performance Review Meeting
on Materials/Parts/Equipment Start-up 100.
Received Excellent Prize Award, An excellent case of technology commercialization in the R&D Special Zone, the Korea Innovation
Received Award Certificate, the 9 th Daegu-Gyeongbuk Small
and Medium Venture Business Festival, The Ministry of Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional SMEs and Startups.
Selected as the recipient of the Series-A Investment.
Selected as an excellent company in the field of composite materials in Materials/Parts/Equipment Start-up 100.
Registered as the corporate R&D center (No. 2022111331)
Selected as a recipient of TIPS in 2022.
Certificated in Venture Company
(Innovative Growth Type: No. 20220105030138)
Registered as a company established by technology investment from the research institute
(Ministry of Science and Technology Information and Communication: No. 1283)
Received Technology investment, Korea Institute of Materials Science
Received Cash investment, Korea Science and Technology Holdings
Constructed a pilot plant
(@ 3rd Pilot Production Plant, Gyeongbuk TechnoPark)
Established SOULMATERIAL Co., Ltd
(@ 2nd Pilot Production Plant, Gyeongbuk TechnoPark)